Greetings Gremlins!^_^
Excuse the leave of absence, but after passing my exams, two awesome shoots, the Mizkreant needed to relax and so I spent some time with my friends in the capital, just us girls the Mizkreant and PureHate ☆_☆
But since 7DeadlySins was so fresh, I forgot to elaborate on another shoot that I am very proud to have been a part of- you might remember me rumbling about a shoot with custom made choppers.
(c) Mitja Derenda
It was so damn epic! Not to mention my girl Tina Saražin was there, and we had a wild journey to Trojane, where we met up with Mitja Derenda, and the other models to meet the bikes, locations, buggies and planes!
There were several photographers, personally I worked with four new photographers, whose work shall not be revealed yet, since this was made for an exibition, and well, really, why would we spoil your surprise?
I will soon reveal the date and location of fhe exhibition, of course.
But untill then, enjoy these teasers, and let me tell you, on this shoot, against all the heat and leather and sweat, I truly did feel, like the Harley Queen.
All I was missing was a tiara xD
The Mizkreant